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About Eagle Rock Realty & Property Management
Member Since April 5, 2023

Nick is the Principal Broker of our Tulsa branch, and a founding member of Eagle Rock Realty. Born and raised in Tulsa Oklahoma, Nick strives to make an impact in the lives of his clients, his agents, and in the well being of his community, by being a value-driven real estate broker. A passion to learn and grow professionally is evident to those who work with Nick, and he enjoys teaching and empowering others with the knowledge and experience he has accumulated. No deal is too big, nor too small, for Nick, and his primary focus is to serve, protect, and educate with all things real estate.

Nick primarily enjoys assisting first time home buyers, real estate investors, and business owners as they navigate the complex intricacies of acquiring, and selling, property. When he isn’t working, he’s probably doing CrossFit, running, crunching numbers in Google Sheets, playing music, or spending time at home with his kids and wife.

Eagle Rock Realty & Property Management

3015 East Skelly Drive, Suite 114

Tulsa, OK 74105

(918) 740-7787

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