About Heritage Creek Real Estate
Member Since February 22, 2023

As a fourth-generation cowboy, Chad’s love for the heritage of ranching runs deep. Upon graduating from Texas A&M University in the Fall of 2006, Chad moved out to Mertzon, Texas to be the Ranch Manager for LP Ranch. He grew his knowledge base about ranching while managing a registered cattle and wildlife operation, all the while utilizing best practices to preserve the land. Chad has been a resident of the West Texas area and Irion County since 2006, along with his wife and three boys. If Chad isn’t out feeding cows on the 5,000-plus acres he and his family lease, you can find him keeping up to date on the real estate markets across Texas. Let Chad’s knowledge of ranching and real estate come together to work for you!

Heritage Creek Real Estate

500 Log Cabin Road

Mertzon, TX 76941


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