About Apex Nationwide Land Deals
Member Since October 25, 2022

We specialize in raw land in subdivisions, commercial and large acreage lands in Florida and Texas. I am Paul Karsko, and I live with Barbara, Aston, and Christopher. We are a veteran family-owned nationwide land acquisition and disposition company looking to potentially work with you regarding your new land purchase. All of our transactions are done through 3rd party entities such as local title companies and attorneys, ensuring the safety of all parties involved so that we can derive the same end goal of a smooth land transfer process. If your values align with ours, we welcome you to join us in letting us help you and your family build that dream home or maybe just a place to go camping on the weekends and get outdoors.

Apex Nationwide Land Deals

7362 Remcon Circle Unit #595

El Paso, TX 79912


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